Our Line of Products for Better Medical Waste Disposal


The Medical Waste Machine is the complete solution for on-site medical waste disposal.

The system converts all regulated medical waste into non-regulated waste that can be discarded with ordinary garbage. The sterilization process encapsulates and sterilizes all waste, reducing the size of the end product by up to 75%. Standing 20” tall with a 10” x 10” footprint, the machine can accommodate any workspace.

By avoiding haulers and mail-back programs, our customers regain control over their medical waste disposal. No reliance on third-party services means no more contracts, prolonged waste storage, or use of industrial incinerators. Sterilizing medical waste on-site also leads to a reduced threat of ongoing liability from common law precedents and the Cradle to Grave Responsibility.

Medical Waste Disposal in 4 Easy Steps


Collect your sharps, lancets, blades, and other regulated medical waste in one of our lockable, reusable waste transporters or disposable sharps containers.


Place the transporter into the Medical Waste Machine along with our proprietary indicator discs. 


Secure the cover of the machine and initiate the one-button process. Once the machine has surpassed the temperatures needed for proper sterilization, the indicator discs will melt down and encapsulate the waste - ensuring sterilization has taken place. 


Once the process is complete, the machine will automatically shut off. Open the machine, remove the transporter, and dispose of the end product with the rest of your ordinary waste. The transporter is sterilized through the process and ready to be used again.


For more information, reach out to our team today.